Parish Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Francavilla al Mare (1948). The Search for a Measure


  • Ettore Vadini


Measure originates in the intimate condition of an architect tried by the events of war, though firmly intent on returning to professional practice. Ludovico Quaroni returned to Italy in 1946 after spending more than five years in an Indian prison. His years of detention were undoubtedly a period of profound contemplation, but also a cultural experience that would develop new interests in all of his architectural and urban research. A lengthy period of suspension, about which Quaroni would say «I spent the entire War with nothing to do», of self-criticism over the EUR, but also of the evolution of personal ideas about the culture of architectural space. It was an occasion for returning to the idea of the architecture of the city, what is more with an education in Oriental taste, a definitive comprehension of the great urban civilisation of the Middle East that, from a purely aesthetic attraction, was initially translated as a paradigm, as a term of comparison with European culture, and successively as an inspiration to the design of architecture, from the small to the large scale.


Pippo Ciorra, Ludovico Quaroni, 1911-1987. Opere e progetti, Documenti di architettura, Electa, 1989

Giorgio Ciucci, Intervista a Ludovico Quaroni, "Casabella" n. 515, 1985

Adriano Olivetti, Riprendendo il cammino, "Urbanistica" n. 1, 1949

Ludovico Quaroni, Premessa; Il mio modo di essere e d’essere architetto in Antonino Terranova, Ludovico Quaroni. Architetture per cinquant'anni, Gangemi, 1985

Valerio Ochetto, Intervista a Ludovico Quaroni, Collana Intangibili Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, 2011

Manfredo Tafuri, Ludovico Quaroni e lo sviluppo dell’architettura moderna in Italia, Edizioni di Comunità , 1964

Antonino Terranova (edited by), Ludovico Quaroni. Architetture per cinquant’anni, Gangemi,1985

NdR targa IN/ARCH, Chiesa di S. Franco, Francavilla a Mare, "L'architettura. Cronache e storia", n. 85, 1962

Adolfo De Carlo, La Chiesa di Francavilla a Mare, "L'architettura. Cronache e storia", n. 52, 1960






L'Architettura delle città-The Journal of Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni

How to Cite

Parish Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Francavilla al Mare (1948). The Search for a Measure. (2013). L’architettura Delle città  - The Journal of the Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni, 1(1-2).