Theaters and cities. Flânerie between global north-south metropolis on the traces of migrant architectural models
Abstract: Theaters around the world are linked by architectural features besides programs and music.
The conversation begins by commenting on the concert by Martha Argerich and Daniel Baremboim with the Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala held in Piazza Duomo on May 12, 2016 in Milan. The Concerto in Sol by Ravel is scheduled in the program.
The hybrid Neoclassicism of theaters in the modern city between the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries: the Teatro alla Scala in Milan - the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires - the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow - the Sans Souci Theater in Kolkata - the Teatro Massimo in Palermo.
Theater in the Palace: The Olympic Theater of Vicenza - The Scientific Theater of Mantua - the San Carlo Theater of Naples - The Metropolitan Opera House Theater of New York
South migration - Global migration
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A. Frullini, Lully un rampante alla corte del Re Sole,; vedi anche P. Beaussant, Lully ou Le musicien du Soleil, Gallimard e dal Théatre des Champs-E’ lysées, 1992.
M. Latilla, Theatres in early Johannesburg,
I. Lauterbach, The Gardens of the Milanese Villeggiatura in the Mid-Sixteenth Century, In John Dixon Hunt, The Italian Garden, Cambridge University Press, 1996
G. Loomis, The Other Bach Gets a Revival, New York Times, December 20 2011.
B. Sarlo, Una modernità periferica. Buenos Aires 1920-1930, Quodlibet Studio 2005, p. 124.