Restauración del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
Un proyecto de ciudad a escala 1:10
Time has been the main architect at Viana Palace. Complexity is the result of a progressive adaptation to marquises of Viana’s vital needs and requirements.
For over seven centuries, parts of a historical puzzle have been incorporated, modified, restructured and added, around twelve courtyards and a garden. In 1981 it was declared as Cultural Interest Heritage. The new restoration consisted in reversing structural pathologies detected in Patio de Recibo mezzanines, stables and on the roofs.
Our project strategy solves those problems by combing traditional and contemporary constructive solutions, preserving the original atmosphere of the living house for the museum’s visitors. The aim after all was the same as in Tomaso di Lampedusa’s El Gatopardo “everything changes so that everything remains the same”.
Doing what is not visible, that’s the idea in our Restoration of the Viana Palace.
Key words: Restauration, Cordova, Viana Palace.
Francisco Gómez Díaz, Memoria de la candidatura al Premio Félix Hernández de Restauración en su XV edición, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos 2020.
Francisco Lara Arrebola, Artes textiles en el Palacio de la casa de Viana en Córdob, Editorial Cajasur 1982.
Juana Fernando Márquez, Muebles del Palacio de Viana, Editorial Cajasur 2000.
Fernando Moreno Cuadro, El Palacio de Viana en Córdoba. El prestigio de coleccionar y exhibir, Editorial Cajasur 2011.
Joaquín Moreno Manzano, Guía del Palacio Museo de Viana, Editorial Cajasur 1996.
Aloïs Riegl, El culto moderno a los monumentos, Editorial Visor 1987.
Ignasi Solá Morales, Teorías de la intervención arquitectónica, in “Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme”, n. 155, 1982, pp. 13-22.
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Il Gattopardo, Feltrinelli 1958.
Enrique Valdivieso, Gonzalo Martínez Del Valle, La colección pictórica del Palacio de Viana, Editorial Cajasur 2017.