Orders and Ordonnance: the Carrée d’Art of Norman Foster in Nimes
This article attempts to discuss the significance of architectural orders in contemporary architecture, by applying our conclusions to the design of the Centre of Contemporary Art (Carrée d’Art) in Nimes, built by Norman Foster in 1993. This building, in the way it has been designed, encapsulates some basic questions surrounding the idea of order in architecture: from the classical orders of the Maison Carrée, to which it can be genetically compared, to its own design concept. In his design project, Norman Foster in effect employed in his design project the classical language of the historical monument and adapted it to the formal rules of contemporary architecture, showing that order is the development of a formal solution of an architectural organism.
Lucio Barbera, The Radical City of Ludovico Quaroni, Gangemi 2014.
Vladimir Belogolovsky, Interview with Norman Foster: http://curatorialproject.com.
Giovanni Leoni, Architetura della necessità . L’architettura di Norman Foster. In Norman Foster, La Biblioteca di Repubblica-L’espresso, Volume 12, Motta Editore, 2007.
Mario Lupano, Il Foster di Nîmes e il Carré d’Art, n. 79, Lotus International, 1993.
Hannes Meyer, Wie ich arbeite. Manoscritto in lingua tedesca pubblicato in Léna Meyer Bergner, “Arhitektura CCCP 6â€, Moscow, 1933. pp.100-104. La traduzione italiana è curata da Francesco Dal Co, Hannes Meyer, Architettura o Rivoluzione, Padova 1969, pp. 123-127.
Martin Pawley, Norman Foster. Architettura Globale, Rizzoli, 1999.
Claude Perrault, Ordonnance for the five kinds of columns after the method of the Ancients, Translation 1708 by John James. Re-Print by Editor Published, The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities in 1993.
Alberto Perez Gomez, Preface, Claude Perrault, Ordonnance for the five kinds of columns after the method of the Ancients, The Getty center for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1993, p. 32, 35, 36.
Marco Pogacnik, Bruno Reichlin, Stile, Tettonica e Raumkunst. Da Gottfried Semper a Fr Kiesler: http://www.iuav.it/Ateneo1/docenti/architettu/docenti-st.
Antonino Terranova, Ludovico Quaroni Architetture per 50 anni, Gangemi, 1985.