“Vitruvius’s Migrations†are the ideal continuations of the first issue on the theme of “Gli ordini in architettura†edited by me for “L’architettura delle città â€.
As the title says, this issue is a collection of contributions dedicated to those visits, incursions, migrations in dramatically contemporary terms, which classical architecture and its logic of orders accomplished in other than traditional fields, be it for geographic and the relative cultural diversity, be it for diversity of expressive techniques, though oriented towards architecture, be it for exceptional opportunities for intervention that seemed to exclude recourse to those illustrious precedents. But always, as I observed in the editorial of “Gli ordini in architettura†(Orders in Architecture) the center of interest is “the search for the creation of meaning through architecture.†And, as corollary, it is the ability of classical tradition to become interpreter and answer to the expressive needs of the contemporary world.
Mary Lutyens, Edwin Lutyens, John Murray, 1980, p. 285-287. The review has been published by “The Observer†on January 29, 1928.
Ludovico Micara (ed), Gli ordini in architettura. Le forme architettoniche significano? “L’ADC L’architettura delle città †n. 6/2015.
Ludovico Quaroni, L’Architettura delle città , vol. I, Sansaini, 1939.
Ludovico Quaroni, La torre di Babele, Marsilio Editori, 1967.
Ludovico Quaroni, Progettare un edificio: otto lezioni di architettura, Mazzotta, 1977.
Ludovico Quaroni, Architettura post-antica, in “Casabella†n. 500, Marzo 1984, p. 38-39.
Alessandro Orlandi (ed), Ludovico Quaroni: dieci quesiti e cinque progetti, Officina Edizioni, 1986, p. 108-124.