Garden cities and the English new towns: foundations for new community planning
The postwar new towns in England were initiated by the New Towns Act of 1946, a keystone in the reconstruction of Britain after the Second World War. Further and mostly smaller new town designations were to follow during the first half of the 1960s. It was the 1965 New Towns Act, however, which brought into existence some of the largest and most famous new towns of the postwar period. Today, over 2.6 million people live in over thirty new towns in the United Kingdom. The majority of the new towns and their citizens are in England, the most populous country in the United Kingdom.
Anthony Alexander, Britain’s New Towns: Garden Cities to Sustainable Communities, Routledge 2009.
BBC News, Milton Keynes template for two new Chinese cities, 20 May (available online).
Mark Clapson, A Social History of Milton Keynes: Middle England/Edge City, Psychology Press, 2004.
Mark Clapson, From garden city to new town: social change, politics and towns planners at Welwyn, 1920-1948, in Helen Meller and Helen Porfyriou (eds.) Planting New Towns in Europe in the Interwar Years, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.
Peter Hall and Colin Ward, Sociable Cities: The Legacy of Ebenezer Howard, Wiley-Academy, 1998.
The Planning Exchange, The New Towns CD Rom, 2001.
Frank Schaffer, The New Town Story, MacGibbon & Kee 1972.